
Completed – Re-Development Program (Sudan)

In late 2009 SMK QLD and Ralph Kinsella was engaged by Sabina to manage the survey and design of the redevelopment of a large irrigation enterprise on the Nile River at Kosti, Sudan.

Project Info

The property, which comprised approximately 120,000 hectares, had been previously developed by the British in the 1950s and had fallen into disrepair.

SMK QLD’s involvement was in conjunction with other Australian staff in management, agronomy and earthworks operations.

SMK QLD arranged for the purchase in Australia of the latest Trimble RTK GPS equipment and train local staff in it use, train staff in design principles and carry out the design of redeveloped fields for irrigated cotton.

The existing supply and drainage system was also investigated and redesigned for upgrading for increased capacity.

Once staff were trained, the data was collected, sent to our local Goondiwindi office and field designs completed and sent back to Sudan for the earthworks operations.

Our involvement ceased in early 2011.

Location: On Nile River at Kosti, Sudan

Project Type: Survey and Design of the redevelopment of a large irrigation enterprise 

Client: Sabina